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They What?…….
Ok, it is official, i am never going to the USA again.
Nothing against the decent people, but the stupidity of some.
A vaccinated person can still be a carrier, the person just doesn’t get sick from it..
To me the best part of a vaccinated person is that if they do carry it, it doesn’t multiply easily.
A unvaccinated person can be a darn factory spreading more and more everywhere, so this Covid isn’t going away in years, but decades..

I saw Phil’s example for real and it’s stuck with me this whole time. The other ones are frequent things that happen to people I know. It’s easy to forget a year ago how HARD they had to push and BEG people to just start washing their hands. The stubbornness and gall of the number of people who refused to do ANYTHING during this whole thing is just depressing.

The last panel has been on my mind for a while and will probably be coming to mind for a long time. A lot of people did NOTHING to help and are proud of it.

True, true. I personally haven’t seen a lot of Karen’s or people who just ignore everything, but the amount of people not wearing masks properly or keep proper distance/stance was to darn High!

At least i know One place that has a positive changed for the better.
As they will not be reopening there restaurant, but expanding there take away/delivery services. There owners literally say, and i translate;
“No longer hassle of cleaning, no need for things to look excellent all the time. Just make people smile with good food. Happier staff to!”.

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